Unilabs offers GCP-compliant histopathology solutions for your clinical trials from our Centre of Excellence in Stockholm, Sweden.
Unilabs has a broad range of experience in providing services within Histopathology.
- We have state-of-art clinical pathology hospital centres with central interpretations services possible due to the usage of digital pathology sample flows. Our laboratories are set up with quality equipment (Agilent/Roche IHC/ISH staining instruments)
- Capabilities across all routine pathology testing, primary staining, special stains and advanced staining (immunohistochemistry and ISH)
- Specialised services in breast, dermato, gastrointestinal, uro and endocrine pathology
- Integrated workflow with molecular diagnostic laboratory for PCR/sequencing/NGS profiling of cytology/FFPE tissue specimen
- Clinical cytology expertise used in screening programmes for prevention of both breast and cervical cancers
- Histopathology partner in studies involving screening of prostate cancer

Tailoring of every project – no matter the number of patients