Oncology | Unilabs - Serving Pharma Skip to main content


We have specific experiences and capabilities relating to a large number of therapeutic areas.

What we offer

Unilabs has a broad range of experience in providing services within oncology. Examples include – but are not limited to:

  • Several clinical trials conducted investigating lung cancer with CT
  • Simultaneous screening of multiple genomic aberrations like single nucleotide variants (SNPs), insertions/deletions, copy number variations and gene fusions
  • Histopathology partner in study involving screening of prostate cancer
  • State-of-the-art support for Flow Cytometry in questions related to onco-haematology in terms of technology and clinical experience
  • Diagnosis of hematopoitetic disorders, e.g. lymphomas, leukemias
  • Expertise in cell-free circulating DNA analysis (NIPT and liquid biopsy)
  • Regulatory consultancy in relation to method validation
  • Molecular Diagnostic services within research of mutations associated to genetic diseases and syndromes, pharmacogenetics, oncogenetics, and personalized treatments
  • Easy transfer of projects between different Centres of Excellence (CoE) via our individually assigned project managers. CoE’s include immunoassays, molecular diagnostics, flow cytometry, histopathology and medical imaging
  • Management of centralised and de-centralised Companion Diagnostic (CDx) testing and global, customised logistics
  • Customisation of every project – no matter the number of patients. This ensures you get exactly what is required for the project without unnecessary expenses

Tailoring of every project – no matter the number of patients

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